Monday, May 29, 2006

3-Are you a sex-smart woman?

I, apparently, am not. Funny that. It appears that I am a 'total medium'. Worryingly, I got only 6/10 on the 'knowledge'. There's high quality medical education for you. Besides - everyone knows that herpes, like a puppy, is for Christmas and not for life.

Given that Radio 1 are promoting STIs by handing out their 'sex packs' (your guess is as good as mine), I thought that I would break my 'no-doing-crappy-online-tests' rule and would give this one that I was forwarded a go.

Try it for yourself: test: are you a sex-smart woman?

PS. Having just looked, there is actually a 'are you a sex-smart man' one too. Hopefully it doesn't go on about 'dental dams' quite as much. They sound scary. My grandad used to build dams. Perhaps he knows what they are.

2-My first ever blog update: Photo Albums

I did think that I would be so excited by making a blog that I would never actually return. But here I am. And, I do actually have some photos uploaded too. Well, I have created the online album things to store them in anyway. I'll eventually upload the photos. There are 2 albums:

1. KK finest: A collection of tantalizingly delectable photographic treats to satisfy even the most refined of artistic palates. Viewable by all.

2. Main gallery: Unsurprising, most of my photos don't fall into the above category, so have been collectively dumped here. In order to make sure I can keep the filthy mitts of societies ingrates off these, however, they are by approved MSN login ID only (so you have to be on my MSN contact list). As they say, if you ain't on the list, have no interest in seeing my holiday photos anyway. So there.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

1-My first ever blog

This is my first ever post in my first ever blog.

I would say how this feels...wonderfully emotional. And tantalizingly exhilarating. Even a touch liberating perhaps. A chance to unleash my creative wings and let those deepest and most intimate of thoughts take flight. A blank canvas, if you will, with which to explore the infinitely mesmerising and intensely effervescence foibles of life at it's core. And to muse over whether or not I have appropriately used apostrophes so far in this paragraph. This blog shall personify man's primitive desire to inspire, to understand, and, fundamentally, to intensify the immense power of pure and raw transcribed thought. After all, is such power not manifest in the overman's independence, creativity, and originality?

But I'll probably just end up using this page to put some shared photos of holidays up or something. Besides - I probably won't put lots of posts about my innermost thoughts, secrets and exploits on here because the thought of random weird internet folk reading them is...well just a little creepy. In any case, if you're reading this, it's probably because I've forced you here with the promise of stuff. We'll there's nothing actually here yet. So I lied. Enjoy. K